An Agreement Not Supported by Consideration Is Called in Latin

In the legal world, an agreement not supported by consideration is a term that is commonly used to describe an agreement that lacks the necessary elements of a legally binding contract. This concept is so well-known that it has even been given a Latin name – “nudum pactum.”

“Nudum pactum” is a phrase that is frequently used in the legal system, and it literally translates to “naked agreement.” This term refers to an agreement that does not have any consideration or value attached to it, and as a result, it is not enforceable by law.

Consideration is a crucial element in any contract, and it refers to the mutual exchange of promises or services between two parties. In other words, both parties must give something of value to each other in exchange for the agreement to be considered legally binding.

For example, if you were to hire a contractor to remodel your kitchen, the consideration may be the payment you make to them in exchange for their services. In this scenario, the contractor is providing you with their labor and expertise, while you are providing them with compensation for their work.

However, if you were to hire a contractor and then promise to pay them at some point in the future without any specific terms or timeline, this type of agreement would be considered a “nudum pactum.” This is because there is no clear exchange of consideration between the two parties, and as a result, the agreement would not be enforceable.

It is essential to note that the concept of “nudum pactum” is not limited to contracts between individuals or businesses. This principle also applies to agreements made between employers and employees, landlords and tenants, and any other parties involved in a legal agreement.

In summary, “nudum pactum” is a Latin term used in the legal system to describe an agreement that lacks the necessary element of consideration. To be legally binding, all contracts must have a clear and mutual exchange of promises or services between both parties. By understanding this fundamental concept, you can ensure that your contracts are legally enforceable and protect your interests.